How this Moon Glitch Made Me Question My Whole World

On July 2, 2022, at around 10 pm, something strange happened—the moon moved.

My mom and I were driving down a completely straight road, heading to the theater. About five minutes before the incident, we had noticed the moon while stopped at a red light. It was a beautiful evening, still light outside, and the moon was in clear view. We’re located in Alberta, Canada.

A few minutes later, I noticed something odd—the moon had shifted noticeably in the sky. I pointed it out to my mom, asking, “Hey, is it just me or did the moon move?” She looked scared, because she had noticed it too.

We hadn’t turned off the road, changed lanes, or done anything that would explain the moon’s shift. It had literally moved.

Then it got even weirder.

When we arrived at the theater parking lot, the moon was still in its new position. Something inside me told me not to stare at it. This was unusual because I’m usually the type to stop and observe anything unexplained. But as soon as I felt it was okay to look again, the moon had returned to its original spot in the sky.

Both my mom and I were freaked out. We hadn’t moved, yet the moon had shifted across the sky in a matter of seconds. We still don’t know how to explain what we saw.

Later that night, I searched for “moon moved” on Twitter, hoping to find someone else who had seen it. To my surprise, there was one tweet from someone in America saying, “The moon just f*cking moved???” at nearly the same time.

If anyone else experienced something similar, especially on July 2, I’d love to hear about it.

Our Thoughts

This story adds to the growing number of "glitches in reality" accounts, where natural phenomena—like the moon—behave in ways that defy logic. The idea of the moon shifting its position in the sky within minutes is both unsettling and fascinating. What makes this story even more intriguing is that the moon not only moved but returned to its original position as if nothing had happened.

The instinct not to look at the moon while it was in the “wrong” position is also worth noting. It’s almost as if the mind was subconsciously rejecting the event, not wanting to engage with something that seemed impossible.

The confirmation from another Twitter user seeing the same thing adds a layer of validation. These shared experiences make it harder to dismiss such events as simple perception errors and instead suggest that reality might be more fluid than we think.

Disclaimer: This story has been rewritten for clarity and originality. While inspired by discussions from various internet platforms, it should be regarded as speculative and not factual. The analysis provided is based on available information and reflects the author’s interpretation.


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